Friday, November 19, 2010

Finally a break!

So long no post. School and my organizations are keeping me really really busy. I have turned in multiple lesson plans, planned many meeting for my ABBES group, and studied a few to many spanish words. I am improving very slowly in my spanish though, I can now (almost) confidently write 250-300 words in Spanish about a story or stories that were in Spanish and get a B on the test... and to me thats AWESOME! I still need to improve and Studying Abroad will be very helpful. I have been doing very well on my lesson plans as well. Although, I will never have to write as detailed lesson plans again. All of my classes are getting me PUMPED to become a teacher.. only 3 more years to go!
I still try to have a social life while I am here and its going well. My roommate and me get along very well (which of course means that we talk more than we study some days :/) and me and my boyfriend Dan just celebrated one year of being together. I know I always have people to talk to and to distract me from that pesky homework.
But after all of this.. I GET TO GO HOME TODAY!! I am so excited for a break.. although I still have homework to do! I am looking forward to seeing my family and a little excited to work as well. I miss some of my co-workers. It will be nice to get away from all of this here in Macomb and see some other loved ones!