Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A teacher learning to teach

The necessities (above)

Text books for 19 credit hours/6 classes)

Another break over.. another semester started. It was lovely being home and seeing my family but it's back to WIU. I will be taking 19 credit hours this semester so it's going to be a little intense. I have two lesson plan classes (Math and Science), Biology with a lab, Spanish for teachers, Educational Psychology, and Linguistics. It will be rough but I am going to do the best that I can. I also am going to take a (free) kickboxing class at the Recreation Center here on campus and try to work out quite a bit! Before I know it I will be home working and getting ready for SPAIN!! I will also be getting everything ready here at the University to travel to Spain!!
I'm signing off for now! I'll try to update as I go on.. in the mean time check out my picture project (http://365project.org/pdw/365)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds and looks like you have quite a load. I know you will do very well. Love Grandma R.
