Friday, April 29, 2011

Winding Down.. Uh no.. Try winding up

Some are saying the semester is winding down and coming to an end. To them
I say.. huh! I feel as though every teacher put off everything until the last minute! I am working on getting all the final papers, projects, and study guides done. As we speak I doing what I do best, procrastinating. On top of classes winding down I am also trying to get as many of my study abroad questions answered as I attempt to prepare for Spain. I have decided that instead of combining everyday life with my travel life I would create a separate blog for Spain, For more information about my preparations read that blog :)
So what's been going on since my last post, a whole lot of nothing. Well of course that is a lie, I have have at least 20 classes, a few tests, and at least a couple papers. I also attended Dan's military ball at at beginning of April. We had a nice fancy dinner and then a little dancing. It was a good time, and it's hard to believe that in a two weeks he will get his commission and become a captain and graduate! Also, earlier today Dad visited and took a load of stuff home that way I will actually be able to make it home without tying things to the top of my car. It was nice to see him and I am happy to be going home and seeing all of my family. It's weird to think I won't be coming back here next year, unless I visit before I leave for Spain.
Well I have to go study, unless any of you want to do it for me :) I will update once the semester ends.
Love you all!

Me and Dan all dressed up for the Military Ball

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To do.. To do.. To do..

Oh boy has life gotten busy lately! I made an impromptu trip home last weekend to protest in Madison with the rest of my family which was a great experience. I was happy to stand up for what was right and it was nice to see my family.
This week has been preparations for a big festival thing at my school called the international bazaar. Different organizations around campus represent a country by decorating an 8 by 8 booth (with paint, construction paper, and tissue paper on styrofoam), performing some type of entertainment (singing, dancing, readings, etc), and cooking a native food. Yesterday and today were the days allowed for decorating and I will have to say it went AWESOME! I was a little worried that we wouldn't have enough people helping out but we got a majority of it done yesterday and finished today 2 hours early, I was very happy! Now this Friday and Saturday the booths will be open to the public and they will be able to see what we decided to represent and cook.. I'll put up pictures later this weekend.
I will not be able to work the bazaar friday as I won concert tickets to Rascal Flatts through a drawing :) The concert is about an hour and 15 minutes away but I am very excited! It will be a good break from all of this.
Then next week is Midterms :'( I have a very busy week.. 4 tests, 3 quizzes, and who knows what else.. it's going to be rough. At the end of it though is SPRING BREAK, which will make it all worth my while. I get to go home again and spend time with my family, and work :( I will also be able to bring my new laptop back down to school with me afterwards :) . My very wonderful and loving parents bought it for me in preparation for Spain and I think it will be very nice to have it at school for the rest of the semester and I am happy they are letting me bring it back down! But then it will back to the salt mines to finish up my semester.. I cannot wait till this summer!
I will post next week with pictures while I am procrastinating eh emm I mean taking a study break at some time :P

Hope you are all well!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A teacher learning to teach

The necessities (above)

Text books for 19 credit hours/6 classes)

Another break over.. another semester started. It was lovely being home and seeing my family but it's back to WIU. I will be taking 19 credit hours this semester so it's going to be a little intense. I have two lesson plan classes (Math and Science), Biology with a lab, Spanish for teachers, Educational Psychology, and Linguistics. It will be rough but I am going to do the best that I can. I also am going to take a (free) kickboxing class at the Recreation Center here on campus and try to work out quite a bit! Before I know it I will be home working and getting ready for SPAIN!! I will also be getting everything ready here at the University to travel to Spain!!
I'm signing off for now! I'll try to update as I go on.. in the mean time check out my picture project (